The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most important environments on Earth being destroyed by humans.
The impact of this catastrophe reaches far beyond the regions of the Amazon Basin, and has disastrous effects on ecosystems, wildlife, natural resources, communities, and more around the world.
Amazon Restore is a solution-based project focused on acquiring land that is currently being used for purposes
that are destructive to the environment, specifically animal agriculture and mono-crop plantations;
and reforesting with native trees, fruit trees, and other beneficial vegetation.
We focus on finding areas that have already been destroyed by these practices and creating pockets of reforested areas,
preferably with as many fruit trees as possible, with the goal of eventually creating more contiguous forest zones,
or at least zones that are more heavily dominated by forested land.
This is not intended to be a stand-alone solution to the destruction of the Amazon but rather a project aimed at
creating food security and self-sustainability with the benefit of improving the health of the Amazon Rainforest.
We intend to work together with other reforestation projects that have similar objectives of
restoring the Amazon to a more biodiverse and self-sustaining forest system.
We are NOT a registered non-profit,
we are NOT an intentional community,
we do NOT cooperate with governments (local or otherwise),
and we do NOT accept corporate sponsorships.
We devote our time, effort, and resources toward taking real action to reforest the Amazon,
not feeding the Babylonian bullshit machine.
From the Andes to the sea,
a vibrant forest canopy.
No grass nor cows nor chainsaw sounds;
from paradise lost to paradise found.
The mission of Amazon Restore is to create a successful and ethical model of reforestation and sustainable food production
and to empower others to replicate that model in order to restore the Amazon Rainforest
and any other threatened forest ecosystems around the world.
Cover image courtesy of Lumicon