Recommended Resources
NOTE: This page is a work in progress. If you encounter broken links, please let us know.
This information pertains to the importance of forests as an integral part of the Earth’s health.
- How Trees Bring Water: How trees bring water to ecosystems and their vital role in the water cycle.
Environment & Sustainability
This is information about the natural world in general, the current state of Earth’s ecosystems, true ecological sustainability, and the problems with so-called “environmentalist” organisations that are not enacting real solutions.
- Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (watch online or download): This documentary examines the biggest cause of environmental destruction and the curious fact that the major Babylonian environmentalist organisations don’t want to talk about it.
Living as a free being, natural law, and navigating the system of Babylon.
Technological Slavery by Theodore John Kaczynski, PhD: an insightful look at the philosophical and practical problems with Babylonian technology
Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How by Theodore John Kaczynski, PhD: a thorough discussion of the practical steps toward a successful revolution against Babylonian technology
Claim Your Property: what property is and how it relates to our freedom
Legal vs. Lawful: the difference between legal and lawful, and how it relates to our freedom
Natural Law: what Natural Law is and how it relates to our freedom
Rights: about our rights as mankind and how they relate to our freedom
Free Software
Articles & Essays
Various Licences and Comments about Them: an excellent guide to software licences
SPDX Licence List: a list of software licences and their abbreviated names
Codeberg: Git hosting for free software and other projects in the public interest
h-node: a database of hardware known to be compatible (or incompatible) with free software
- Cocolandia’s resources page: a list of resources pertaining to regenerative agroforestry and related topics selected by the nice folks at Cocolandia