Don’t Give Us Your Money

We don’t want your money. We just want to see more fruit trees, wildlife, and healthy ecosystems; less environmental devastation, grass, domesticated animals, and destructive practices and machinery.

If you share the vision of Amazon Restore and Badass Fruiterrarist Land and would like to make some kind of donation, please don’t send us money.

The best thing that you can do is to buy land anywhere in the Amazon Rainforest that is being damaged by cattle grazing, monoculture farming, mining, or any other anti-ecological activities, and reforest it.

If you are interested in supporting Badass Fruiterrarist Land and agree with the Core Values, you can purchase land in this area and either live there and reforest it yourself or donate the land to the project so that we can reforest it on your behalf. If you don’t have access to enough money to purchase land on your own, you can contact us, and we can match you with other like-minded people and help you to facilitate a group land buy.

If you are interested in creating a project like this anywhere in the world, and have an idea of the region, climate, type of trees that you want to grow, et cetera, then contact us, and we can point you in the right direction. Even if it’s Cameroon.

“If we don’t do something now, it may be too late if we ever do….”