
All JavaScript code used in this website is Free Software. All of the scripts are hosted directly on this website, so your browser does not need to connect to any third-party server. The table below displays script files, their licences, and links to their sources.

Script Licence Source
js/main.min.js Expat Bootstrap v5.2.3
js/click-to-copy.min.js Apache-2.0 Docsy v0.7.1
js/tabpane-persist.js Apache-2.0 Docsy v0.7.1
js/jquery-3.6.3.min.js Expat jQuery v3.6.3
js/lunr-2.3.9.min.js Expat Lunr v2.3.9


This website uses the Open Sans and Liberation Sans Narrow fonts,
as well as Font Awesome, all served directly from this website.

Fonts Licence
Open Sans OFL-1.1
Liberation Sans Narrow GPL-2.0-only (font exceptions)
Font Awesome 6.4.0 CC-BY-4.0 / OFL-1.1

Amazon Restore icon

The icon that appears at the left of the navigation bar and as the favicon for this website
is an original work of art by “gnokii” and is available to download here for use under the terms of:
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal (CC0-1.0)