Thanks for your interest in this project! Below is the questionnaire for Badass Fruiterrarist Land and Amazon Restore.
Please review and agree to our Core Values, copy and paste the questions below and your answers into an email, and send to our email address with “Questionnaire – Your Name” as the subject line. (One questionnaire per fruiterrarist.)
Click here for our email address...
In what ways are you a badass?
In what ways are you a fruiterrarist?
In what ways are you vegan, and what does being vegan mean to you?
What is your motivation to participate in a reforestation and food forest project?
What do you envision creating?
What do you see as the most important trees, plants, buildings, facilities, systems, or other “improvements” for your intended project?
What kind of experience do you have in reforestation or food forest creation, what other skills do you have, and what kind of support would you find most helpful?
What are your thoughts about having animals as pets, and what solution would you have if there were domesticated animals on the land that you or someone else wanted to reforest?
How would you support yourself financially if you were to participate in a project like this?
What else can you share about yourself that would be relevant to helping to reduce animal agriculture, mono-crop farming, mining, and other destructive activities while reforesting the land with fruit or other types of trees?
Privacy Policy: We will not share your name or email address with any third party.