If you are interested in acquiring land in Badass Fruiterrarist Land, we are willing to support you in all the ways we can.
We are only interested in finding like-minded people with whom to collaborate in reforesting and creating food forests, so we don’t ask for any money.
First, we are happy to answer any questions we can about this area, Ecuador, or anywhere else you might be interested in starting or joining a reforestation project.
If you are interested in Badass Fruiterrarist Land, we can help you to find land and guide you through the purchasing process or whatever other logistics it takes for you to get here.
We can also offer you temporary housing if you would like to visit the area to look at land and get a feel for the lifestyle here. You would be welcome to volunteer if you wish, but that wouldn’t be required if you are genuinely interested in acquiring land here.
If you decide to join the project, we can support you by helping you source seeds, seedlings, or cuttings to plant, along with advice about the best ways to plant them in this environment.
We can collaborate in sharing volunteers as well as making group purchases in order to increase buying power or reducing shipping costs.
We can trade harvests so that we don’t waste the abundance and so that we can enjoy varieties of fruit and other food that we may not each be able to grow.
We can provide bamboo for construction and any other uses (while supplies last).
We can guide you about how to source things like tools, equipment, products, labour, et cetera, or about living in this part of the world in general.
We can introduce you to neighbours as well as key people in this area, Loreto more broadly, other areas of Ecuador, or the greater Amazon region.
We can help you to learn the relevant local Spanish vocabulary used here so that you can understand and communicate with the local people.
We can help you with creative ways to secure finances for upfront investments or ongoing living costs.
We can offer insight about the various types of visas available to live in Ecuador or about how to stay here without a visa.
We can also provide information about living here freely, including ways to protect yourself and your property from the agents of government and Babylonnoun: the entire matrix of the financial, legal, industrial, military, media, medical, education, entertainment, transportation, technology, religious, and virtually every other man-made complex in general.
Most importantly, we will be your best ally in ousting any neighbours who are mistreating animals and destroying the land, and together we can replace them with Badass Fruiterrarists who want to create forests, food, freedom, and fun without the fuckerynoun: any malicious action, or any action that results in bullshit.