“Where are all of the people who care?”

Saving the Amazon Rainforest is a huge project that nobody can do alone. It will require time and the collaborative effort of many people, but Amazon Restore gives everyone the opportunity to participate in some way.

The vision is to acquire land that is being used for animal agriculture and mono-crop plantations and
reforest it with native trees, fruit trees, and other beneficial vegetation.

We are starting with one watershed in northern Ecuador, with the mission of setting an example of restoring an ecosystem that can be replicated throughout the Amazon and in any threatened forests around the world.

We have acquired 3.52 hectares of land where we are actively reforesting a cattle pasture
and coffee and cacao plantations, but this is just a very small start.

Here’s what we can do:

Option 1: Go Vegan

Going vegan is the single most important thing that everyone can and must do
to stop the destruction of the Amazon Rainforest and every other threatened ecosystem.

Even for those who don’t have the time or ability to volunteer or actively participate in reforestation,
living vegan is a refusal to be complicit in the oppressive system that is deforesting the world.


Option 2: Reforest

The ultimate goal is to reforest the land. Click here to read about how forests improve and
stabilise the health of an ecosystem, and you will see that a biodiverse landscape of trees and
other vegetation is what is needed in order to reverse the damage that the Amazon is suffering.

Amazon Restore has devised a variety of different ways for people to participate in the land acquisition
and reforestation efforts depending on their desired level of involvement, skill set, and budget.


Option 3: Volunteer

For those who would like to visit the Amazon in Ecuador, witness the devastation, contribute to reforestation,
and gain real-world experience while learning about the techniques used to rebuild an ecosystem,
we offer housing and a share of food from the land.